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Making Space: Building Jewish Inclusion in the Workplace

Combating Antisemitism Programs

Making Space: Building Jewish Inclusion in the Workplace & Beyond

Helping your organization better understand who the Jewish people are and the challenges they face is a critical element often missing in efforts to increase understanding, inclusivity, and belonging. 

We all have a role to play in ensuring that Kansas City is a safe and welcoming place for all.

JCRB|AJC is here to help bring us closer to this goal. Below is a list of educational offerings and resources provided by JCRB|AJC to assist you.

To meet with our team or schedule a training session, please contact JCRB|AJC’s Programs and Development Coordinator, Rachel Kaseff: 

Being Jewish in the United States

Jewish identity, diversity, and religious practices are often misunderstood or overlooked in the United States. At the same time, the American Jewish community is confronting an alarming rise in antisemitism, with incidents reaching a record high in 2023. Additionally, while representing a mere 2.4 percent of the country’s population, anti-Jewish hate crimes comprised 15 percent of all hate crimes and 68 percent of all reported religious-based hate crimes in 2023 according to the FBI’s latest hate crimes report. 

Making Space Initiatives

Understanding and Combating Contemporary Antisemitism Training

JCRB|AJC staff will work with your company, organization, or community group to help participants gain a better understanding of the Jewish community and empower them with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively combat antisemitism.

The training will cover: 

  • Who are Jews?
  • The state of antisemitism in America today
  • Key antisemitic tropes and its unique qualifiers
  • The evolution of antisemitism and how it has manifested in the 21st century 
  • Tools for supporting the Jewish community and defining the roles we can all play to combat antisemitism

Trainings can be conducted in-person or virtually. A training typically runs 60 minutes, including time for Q&A. 

Additionally, each presentation is uniquely tailored to the audience. We are also equipped to include content on Jewish religious practices and holidays and tips for accommodating Jewish employees. 

What is the cost? JCRB|AJC currently offers this program free of charge. At their discretion, some organizations offer an honorarium or donation to JCRB|AJC in appreciation of the presentation.

Interested in scheduling a training? Contact JCRB|AJC's Programs and Development Coordinator, Rachel Kaseff, at or fill out this training request form.

Here's what past training hosts have to say: 

“JCRB|AJC addresses the issue of antisemitism to help ordinary citizens understand its effect on communities. More importantly it provides concrete ideas to help eradicate violence and discrimination. Even advocates of diversity and inclusion will learn new ways to help their workplace, place of worship and community understand how to create allyship and understanding. This presentation is a must for all communities.”      
- Vice President of DEI, Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce  

"The presentation on understanding and combating antisemitism provided our staff the knowledge and resources to be more informed about this important topic in our community. The JCRB|AJC staff presented the material in a way that made it easy to understand the impact of antisemitism and they brought in real world examples that related to everyone. Thanks to JCRB|AJC for a great presentation that resonated with our staff"    
- Assistant City Administrator, City of Prairie Village

“Our Consortium in part is built on the foundation of learning and supporting our fellow communities of color, culture and identity. In order to do this in a genuine way we need to have individuals share their knowledge and expertise in a manner that all can 'take in' and understand…The information and stories shared about antisemitism, its history and the rise of incidents is tragic and disheartening. If you want to know the facts versus the misinformation about the Jewish community, I would definitely recommend JCRB/AJC to come in and enlighten you on the facts.“ 
- Founder, Diversity + Inclusion Consortium

Utilizing JCRB|AJC as a Resource

In addition to hosting a training, our team can help you: 

  • Accommodate Jewish holidays and religious observances 
    • We annually distribute a calendar that details Jewish holidays and religious observances to assist workplaces with ensuring inclusivity and accommodations; we are also available to answer questions regarding specific scheduling and potential conflicts. Click here to access the calendar.
  • Navigate tensions arising from antisemitism or current events
    • We can assist with anything from proactive education to responsive consultation and conflict mediation. We can also help navigate current events that are likely to create tension in the workplace and offer insight and resources to assist in addressing such events constructively (e.g. crafting internal or external statements, hosting a listening session for Jewish employees, etc.).
  • Establish and support Jewish Employee Resource Groups (JERGs)
    • Jewish Employee Resource Groups (JERGs) are traditionally composed of Jewish employees who seek connection with those who share in their traditions, desire support, and want to celebrate the unique value add they bring to the workplace. Especially given the current environment, JERGs can serve as safe spaces for Jewish colleagues. JCRB|AJC can work with organizational leadership, helping them launch JERGs while setting up systems for ongoing support. 
  • Acknowledge and celebrate Jewish American Heritage Month (May)
    • Since 2006, every May, Jewish Americans celebrate Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM), a month dedicated to celebrating the contributions that Jewish Americans have made to this nation and their indelible mark on this country and its diversity.  JCRB|AJC can assist you with crafting internal or external language to acknowledge this month and develop, and at times execute on, JAHM-related programming.   

Additional Resources for the Workplace  

  • Leading from the Heartland: Regional Toolkits to Combat Antisemitism - Toolkit for Workplaces
  • AJC's Call to Action Against Antisemitism in America: Private Sector Action Items: Recommendations for the Private Sector, including companies, corporations, and businesses, as part of AJC's Call to Action Against Antisemitism in America.
  • Shine A Light: A national initiative to spotlight modern-day antisemitism. It draws inspiration from the story of Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, to champion the message that one small light can dispel the darkness and hatred. Check out the website to find resources to learn about antisemitism and how to take action to support the Jewish community, including guidance for the workplace
  • Making Space for the Jewish Community in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Frameworks: Session recording from JCRB|AJC’s 2024 Driving Our Darkness in the Heartland Symposium, featuring: Kevin Clayton, The Cleveland Cavaliers’ Head of Social Impact & Equity; April Powers, Project Shema’s VP DEI; and Jess Burke, the Centre for Israel & Jewish Affairs’ Director of EDI. 
  • “Who are Jews?”: You've certainly heard many things about Jews, but how do Jews view themselves? Watch this video to find out! You'll learn about the story of the Children of Israel, the history of Jews in Europe and the Middle East, where Jews live today, and about Jewish identity.
  • Calendar of Jewish Holidays: Each year, JCRB|AJC sends out a calendar of Jewish holidays so that businesses, schools, community groups, organizations, and others can avoid major conflicts while scheduling for the upcoming year. We hope that the calendar is helpful to you in understanding and accommodating the holidays and religious practices of Jewish community members.
  • Jewish American Heritage Month: Resources to demonstrate support for the U.S. Jewish community by participating in the celebration of America’s rich Jewish heritage. 
  • Understanding and Supporting Jewish Colleagues at Work: This LinkedIn Learning course takes you through an in-depth exploration of Jewish identity, from its historical origins to its diverse present-day manifestations across the world. Learn about Jewish diversity and the many intersectional identities within the Jewish community. Instructor April Powers delves into the history of antisemitism to share insights on how you can start combating prejudice more effectively. Get guidance on supporting your Jewish colleagues, avoiding unintentional harm, and fostering an inclusive environment that promotes empathy and rejects false binaries. By the end of this course, you’ll be better equipped to recognize and respond to antisemitism, and actively support Jewish inclusion and safety in the workplace.

Click the image below to view or download the Making Space flyer

DEI Partners and Past Trainings:

AdventHealth Kansas City Foundation

Baker University, I See You DEI Conference

Bishop Kemper School for Ministry

Community Christian Church

Children’s Mercy

City of Leawood

City of Prairie Village

DEI Consortium


Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce 

Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council

Johnson County Mental Health Center

Kansas City FBI

Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association (KCMBA)

KU Delta Gamma Chapter 

KU Endowment

Lathrop GPM

Nonprofit Connect

Old Mission Church 

Overland Park Rotary Club

Park University

Prairie Village Diversity Committee

Village Shalom
