Thank you for investing in building safer, more inclusive communities across our region!
As a non-partisan, 501c3 organization, support from individuals, corporations, and foundations fuel our work to combat antisemitism and pursue justice across the heartland.
Individual Giving Opportunities
- Checks can be mailed to:
- JCRB|AJC, 5801 W 115th St, Suite #203, Overland Park, KS 66211
- Individuals may also consider through an IRA Charitable Rollover, a Stock or Bond gift, a Donor-Advised Fund, or a Memorial/Tribute gift.
- There are program and event sponsorship opportunities available throughout the year.
- Please contact Hillary Thomas, Development Director, at with additional questions or assistance.
Corporate & Foundation Giving Opportunities:
- Companies and foundations may consider event sponsorship for our annual Henry W. Bloch Human Relations Event
- Companies and foundations may consider support or sponsorship of one or more of our programs including: Prepare to Respond/Educate to Prevent (PREP) in Schools, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Workplaces, or one of our various public programs throughout the year.
- Companies or foundations may also consider employer matching funds, volunteer opportunities, or cause-related marketing as ways to support our work.
- Please contact Development Director Hillary Thomas at for specific opportunities or additional assistance.
JCRB|AJC Tax ID # 83-4088310